• Українська

Polysemous of images of symbols of mountain and valley in the works of T. Mann and L. Leonov

Gerasymchuk V.A. Polysemous of images of symbols of mountain and valley in the works of
T. Mann and L. Leonov // Humanitarnyi visnyk Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky DPU named after.
H. Skovoroda: Nauk.-teoret. zbirn. – Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, 2005. – № 6. – P. 165–174.

The process of decoding a text by separating its dominant conceptual structures by means of clarifying the leading ideological and conceptual views of the author is described in the article. The important part is emphasized at all levels of text of symbols. Pragmatic and semantic analysis of a symbolic binary opposition between mountain and valley, its semantic variation, formative characteristics, symbolic values, peculiarities of the role of the philosophical text in novel is performed in mutual field of 2 philosophical novels by T. Mann “Charivna Hora” (1924) and Leonov’s “Skutarevsky” (1932).