• Українська

Literary dialogue as a process of the creation of communicative meaning

Gerasymchuk V.A. Literary dialogue as a process of the creation of communicative meaning
// Praktychna Filosophia. − 2006. − № 4. − P. 188−199.

In this article the features of a literary dialogue, the methods of the creation of a communicative meaning, and the achievements of a dialogical effect in the philosophical discourse of a literary text are analyzed. The text’s dual structure of communication is differentiated – author’s (author
– images – target reader) and narrative’s (narrator – story – target reader); narrative’s communication is the part of the author’s as part of the depicted world, and a relationship between the author and narrative communication in each text has its own peculiarities. Philosophical understanding of literary dialogue is considered not only as a subject-object communication, but also as a subject-subject one.