• Українська

Michael Mohyliansky (Literary portrait of the writer)

 The section highlights the life and career of the famous Ukrainian literary scholar, critic, writer, public and political figure Michael Mohyliansky active creative activity which was interrupted by the repressive measures of the totalitarian regime. It traces the origins of the writer, consisting of early poetry and drama in Russian, Ukrainian "short fiction" works novelistic genre (and two Ukrainian – Russian). The features of his poetics and problems, including genre, psychology, narrative, time-space, style signs. Problems writer dealt with the most urgent issues of our time: honor – civic, personal, professional, national; permissiveness and un – moral, personal, political; uncertainty of life, anticipation anxiety for the future. Indicated that external circumstances had actually perepyneno way to a wide audience M.Mohylyanskoho works, which is one of the most prominent figures in Ukrainian literature of the early twentieth century.