• Українська

Alla Fedorivna Nechyporenko

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Department of
Ukrainian Language, Literature and Culture, associate professor

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, specialty – Ukrainian language and literature.
Since 1991 – works at the Department of the Ukrainian language, literature and culture NTUU "KPI".
Contacts: 066 5482499,

Subjects are taught:
Ukrainian language
Ukrainian language for special purposes
Modern Ukrainian

Scientific research

Directions of scientific activities: speech culture, linguistics and poetics.

Participation in conferences:
"Language and Culture" (Kyiv, 2004 – 2014); "Problems of Ukrainian terminology" (Lviv, 2006); "Humanitarian problems of becoming modern specialist" (Kyiv, 2006); "Contemporary Problems of Philology and Translation" (Khmelnytsky, 2007); "Modern Ukrainian Studies: scientific paradigm of language, history and philosophy" (Kharkov, 2008). "Language as the world’s world: grammar and poetics of Ukrainian language" (Kyiv, 2011-2014); "Ukrainian literature and culture in the context of spiritual and moral values ​​of Ukrainian society" (Irpin, 2011); "The formation of the individuality of modern competitive specialist in language and cultural realities" (Irpin, 2012); "Ukrainian language and culture in the modern humanitarian space-time continium" (Irpin, 2014 -2015); "New educational technologies in the context of European integration" (Kyiv, 2015).

1. Nechyporenko A.F. Stylistic adverbs using // Language and conceptual world view: Collected works. Issue 14, kn.2. – K .: Dmitri Burago Publishing House, 2004. – p. 52 – 56.
2. Nechyporenko A. F. Adverb poetics (a case study of writings of Ivan Drach) / Alla Nechyporenko // Ukrainian Linguistics: scientific collection / Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv; executive editor A.K. Moysiyenko. – K., 2006. – Issue 35 – P. 45-49.
3. Nechyporenko AF Terms with adverbial component // Visnyk: Problems of Ukrainian terminology. – № 559. – Lviv,  National University "Lviv Polytechnic", 2006.-
P. 57- 61.
4. Nechyporenko A.F. Adverbs of time and place in a poetic text (a case study of writings of Ivan Drach) / AF Nechyporenko // Language and Culture. (Science magazine). – K .: Dmitri Burago Publishing House, 2007. – Issue 9 – Volume III (91). – P. 176-179.
5. Nechyporenko A.F. Adverb in poetic vocabulary of Taras Shevchenko // Shevchenkoknowing studio. – 2007. – P. 122-126.
6. Nechyporenko A.F.-Intensifier Adverbs features of poetic text / A.F. Nechyporenko // Language and Culture. (Science magazine). – K .: Dmitri Burago Publishing House, 2008. – Issue 10 – Volume V (105). – P. 37-40.
7. Nechyporenko AF Odoratory adverbs as epithets in poetic vocabulary of Sixtiers / AF Nechyporenko // Language and Culture. (Science magazine). – K .: Dmitri Burago Publishing House, 2009. – Issue 11 – T. Vp (119). – P. 170-174.
8. Nechyporenko AF Predictive adverbs in poetic text of Sixtiers. Nechyporenko // Language and conceptual world view. Research publication. / Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv executive editor OI Cherednychenko. – K .: Dmitri Burago Publishing House, 2009. – Issue 26 – Part 2 – P. 328-331.
9. Nechyporenko AF Adverb as a "stylistic" part of speech / Alla Nechiporenko // Ukrainian language and literature at secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums and colleges (scientific, methodical and literary and art magazine). – 2009. – № 4 (79). – P. 60-68.
10. Nechyporenko AF Adverbial epithet in poetic text: semantics and functions // Contemporary problems of epithetology.
Scientific Papers. Issue 1.. – Kamenetz-Podilsk, 2011.
11.Nechyporenko AF Stylistic role of adverbial antonyms in poetic text // Ukrainian Language.
Issue 41/1. – K .: KNU, 2011.
12. Nechyporenko AF Adverbial epithets-neologisms in poetic language of Sixtiers // Language and Culture. Issue 14. Tom (147). – K .: Dmitri Burago Publishing House, 2011.
13. Nechyporenko AF Coloured adverbial epithets in poetic language of Sixtiers // Ukrainian literature and culture in the context of spiritual and moral values ​​of Ukrainian society. A case study of Ukrainian scientific conference. – Irpin, 2011.
 14. Nechyporenko AF Modern linguistics of poetic language and research priorities // Formation of individuality of competitive specialist in modern linguistic and cultural realities. Source book of the international Internet conference. – Irpin NSTSUU, 2012.
15. Nechyporenko AF Adverb features in advertising copy // Language and Culture. Issue 15. Tom 1X (163). – K: Dmitry Burago Publishing House, 2012.
16. Nechyporenko AF The personal name as a means of identification // Ukrainian language in modern humanitarian specetime continium. Source book of the Ukrainian research-to-practice conference. – Irpin, 2013.
17. Nechyporenko AF National Cultural coding of adverbial vocabulary (a case study of "Ukrainian Language Dictionary", editor B.Grinchenko) // Ethno-symbolic functions of culture: language, literature, folklore. – K., 2013
18. Nechyporenko AF Adverb Grammar: contemporary situation and main study research// Ukrainian Language. Issue 43/1. – H., 2013.
19. Nechyporenko AF When textbook comes alive // ​​World literature at Ukrainian schools. – № 1 (392). – 2014.
20. Nechyporenko AF The morphological structure of technical terminology: adverbialnyy component // Ukrainian language and culture in the modern humanitarian timespace. Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian scientific conference. – Irpin, 2014.
21. Nechyporenko AF Comparative assimilational adverbs, grammatical and stylistic features using // Ukrainian Language. Issue 44/1, 2014.
22. Formation of lexicographical competence: Methods and techniques// A case study of the International Scientific Conference of 14 January 2015. – By: TSUL, 2015. – S.114-116.

Increasing scientific qualifications:
February 2010 – Research defense "Adverbial epithet in poetic discourse of Sixtiers" with for special purposes.
10.02.01 Ukrainian language. Doctoral Certificate №060934, 01.08. 2010.

Methodical work
Methodical work direction
formation of speech and language competences of modern specialist
Participation in Seminars
participation in teaching seminars of the Department
Guidance paper:
Sidorenko LM Nechyporenko AF Dynikova L.SH., RESHETYLOVA KV, Berezhna GV Berezovenko AV Dubenyuk LI, LM Suska, O Karbowska .And. Collection of lectures on Ukrainian language for special purposes. / Regulated by Nechy
porenko AF – K., 2011. – The electronic version.

Berezovenko AV, Nechyporenko AF Training, academic programs and RSO of "Ukrainian language for special purposes" for technical specialties. – K., 2012.

Berezovenko AV, Nechyporenko AF Sidorenko LM, NM Myslovych Control tasks and guidelines for implementation for CCK on subject "Ukrainian language for special purposes" for technical specialties. – K., 2012.

Nechyporenko AF Training, academic programs and RSO of "Modern Ukrainian language" for 3rd year students FL (full-time education). – K., 2013.

Nechiporenko AF Training, syllabus and RSO course "Modern Ukrainian language" for 3rd year students FL (part-time education). – K., 2013.

Nechyporenko AF Training, academic programs of "Ukrainian language -1" for 1st year students FL (full-time education). – K., 2013.

Nechyporenko AF Training, academic programs of "Ukrainian language-1" for 1st year students FL (part-time education). – K., 2013.

Nechyporenko AF. Training, academic programs of "Ukrainian language – 2" for 4-year students FL (full-time education). – K., 2013.

Nechyporenko AF. Training, academic programs of "Ukrainian language – 2" for 4-year students FL (part-time education). – K., 2013.
Nechiporenko AF. Guidance and training tasks for tutorial for 4-year students of the Faculty of Linguistics. – K., 2013.
Nechyporenko AF. Modern Ukrainian Language: Guidance and training tasks for subject learning. – K 2014.

Refresher training
03.11.2008 – 17.12.2008 – Refresher training at the Ukrainian Institute for Information Technologies in Education, specialty "Pedagogy of high school" diploma 12SPK 508 862 from 17.12. 08.
02.12.2009 – 15.01.2010 – Refresher training at teaching methods "Postgraduate Institute NTU" KPI "certificate 12SPK 619 478 from 15.01.2010.
28.01.2015- 13.03.2015 – Refresher training at the Ukrainian Institute for Information Technologies in Education.

Organizational and educational activities

Academic competition on Ukrainian language, dedicated to the Day of Ukrainian language and literature (2004-2014).

Extracurricular work with students

Excursions to T.G. Shevchenko museum, museum of literature, Mikhail Bulgakov museum, history of Kyiv, theaters of Kyiv.





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