Error message

Strict warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in eval() (line 3 of /var/www/clients/client232/web273/web/arch/modules/php/php.module(80) : eval()'d code).

Philologist's Day

At May 25, Ukraine celebrates the professional holiday of philologists. The holiday is celebrated not only by those for whom philology is a vocation, profession, kind of activity, but also by all who nurture the word, understand its importance and value, love reading, appreciate literature.

Dichotomy of literariness / non-literariness

The problem of the dichotomy of literariness / non-literariness in the linguistics studies is becoming the subject of an increasing number of new philosophical and aesthetic researches. The crisis of the modernist epistem in the twentieth century led to the search for new horizons of interpretive practices (discursive, narrative, textual), endowed mainly with linguistic-philosophical and cognitive essence.

Problems of teaching rhetoric in technical higher education

The modern approach to language education requires the comprehensive development of a competent person who is able to use language justifiably and competently in a variety of situations. Applicants, and then - professionals, must be able not only to speak their native language, but also to build meaningful, grammatically and stylistically competent expression depending on the communication situation.
