Error message

Strict warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in eval() (line 3 of /var/www/clients/client232/web273/web/arch/modules/php/php.module(80) : eval()'d code).


Події та новини кафедри

Modern Ukrainian society is oriented to Western European standards. Before the modern Ukrainians there are questions of humanism, equal opportunities for all, protection of the environment, social relations. But all these questions depend on a more global question: will Ukraine be able to "fit" into the European continuum with its cultural characteristics and the mentality of the people. We are striving to overcome the imperial past, we are striving for the better, but will we not lose what is organic in our culture, are we not being assimilated culturally, as it has already been with other nations? Are the achievements of our own culture valuable? Where are we from and where are we striving for? Such issues were discussed in the context of the scientific student seminar "Traditional Culture in the Modern Prism", which took place in groups DA 51, DA 52 ESC IASA.

Students of this specialty in the future focused on Western employers, so the topic was relevant and interesting. Different points of view were expressed during the discussion. In general, such seminars have a positive value as an additional method of teaching and educational process.

Zavadska V.V.