Error message

Strict warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in eval() (line 3 of /var/www/clients/client232/web273/web/arch/modules/php/php.module(80) : eval()'d code).


Події та новини кафедри

The report is devoted to the prominent Ukrainian historian, politician, culture, sociologist Mikhail Hrushevsky.

The report is called "Michael Hrushevsky - Moses Ukrainian people" because the author stresses that despite the difficult times Grushevskii unbowed as Moses led the Ukrainian people on the Russian yoke.

In the article the way of life Ukrainian leader, starting with birth and ending with death. The report put through memories of Mikhail Sergeyevich (the education of a child, the student life: stories about teachers and exams, some early abstraction of a particular course of historical events, memories of some life rotary episodes Ukrainian figure). The focus of the report is given to the political and social activities in the 1917-1919 biennium Hrushevskoho .: Presidency of the Scientific Society. Shevchenko, the Ukrainian presidency in scientific society, participated in the creation Galician Party, Ukrainian Central Council Presidency in the UCR and then in the Directory). The author clearly implies ambiguity about the fact of death of Mikhail Sergeyevich during treatment in Kislovodsk.

By the end proves that Hrushevsky was a talented politician who lacked the time to take all possible measures to maintain and strengthen the Ukrainian state.
