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A necessary condition for the success of modern education is the search for new methods and teaching methods, aimed at the formation of fully developed personality. Teaching method research of Ukrainian envisaged use of learning that helps create a comfortable environment for the education of the students and motivate them to high academic activity. This online training, which is used in the classroom for language and encourages students to seek new information and helps the development of each individual.
Modern education is based on the integration of different methods and different sciences, promotes a holistic understanding of the modern world and increases the creative potential of the individual. Integration of knowledge is impossible without the use of creative effort and interactive teaching methods.
Interactive learning technologies is, in our view, very productive, and their use in the educational process contributes to the realization of the above objectives. Among the large number of technology is the most popular method of brainstorming.
The study "brainstorming" as an interactive method widely used in teaching students. It provides a communicative orientation training, and promotes person-centered approach to learning provides an opportunity to develop and improve speech activity.

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