• Українська

Modern Ukrainian language

The course “Modern Ukrainian language” refers to the disciplines of social and humanitarian training (optional) Block 2 “speaking subjects” and is designed for bachelor direction 6.020303 – “Philology”

The subject of discipline: Ukrainian literary language in contemporary oral and written communication.

Mastered the program, the student will form such competence:

possess theoretical knowledge of linguistic phenomena

form a creative approach to the analysis of phonetic, lexical and grammatical phenomena of modern Ukrainian language

Ukrainian culture mastered the rules of oral and written language;

apply the units of all language levels – phonetic, morphological, semantic, syntactic, etc. – to express an opinion in all required to communicate entirety;

analyze lexical and grammatical linguistic phenomena according to theoretical information

will use general language lexicographical and other reference sources;

analyze linguistic texts and conduct educational work with them in terms of full perception, creation and playback.

After mastering the discipline students after mastering demonstrate the following learning outcomes:


the main stages of the formation, establishment and development of Ukrainian language;

signs of speech communication;

features styles and genres Ukrainian literary language;

basic norms of modern Ukrainian literary language;

basics of oral and written language etiquette;

scientific speech genres and features oformlyuvannya scientific and educational materials;

korektorskoyi basics of word processing and editing.

the ability to:

properly use language features: lexical and grammatical accordance with the educational objectives;

navigate the current research in various areas of Ukrainian linguistics;

find, analyze information for a purpose;

create educational texts in genres that fit the training of translators;

different stages of the types of dictionaries in translation and editing texts different styles.