• Українська

Modern discourse: search for axiological essences

Gerasymchuk Valentyna. Modern discourse: search for axiological essences

The article brings up to date the problem of inter-cultural discourse, the problem of availability in its axiology inveteracies in the modern conditions of predominating of the rationally-economic thinking, also the philosophical foundations of cross-cultural communication and dialogue of cultures are unfold.
Urgency of the offered range of problems, search of corresponding “formats” and entities of axiology in the cross-cultural communication and in its vertex variety, dialogue of cultures, is so obvious, – especially in today’s environments of the total pragmatic rationally and economic thought, merciless geopolitical, corporate fight for economic, financial interests, and human and natural resources, – that avoiding this discussion and searching ways of addressing are extremely dangerously. Processes of inhumanity, unculturity take place on our eyes, thus with striking speed. All these processes are caused by the shortage of quality cross-cultural communication, open and (it is most important) essence dialogue, taking into account the aspects of axiology, namely cultures but not interests.