• Українська

Speech and language competence as an part of the training specialist of technical directions

Sydorenko L.M. Lecturer, National Technical University of Ukraine
“KPI”, Ukraine
Speech and language competence as an part of the training specialist of
technical directions
The article describes the ways, forms and methods of implementation of language and speech competence in higher education, the basic principles of building a culture of professional communication between specialists in a technical college, clarifies factors influencing the efficiency of communication between specialists technical training areas, clarifies the concept of “linguistic competence”, “speech competence”, “communicative competence specialist”, “professional communication”.
The article analyzes the phenomenon of linguistic competence on the basis of which come from the achievement of such sciences as rhetoric socio psycho linguistics, neo rhetoric , ethnic socio psycho linguistics, etc, that allows to see in the presence of human speech language / speech knowledge and skills that underpin professional-speech communication own casual, social, practical and technological, communicative, professional experience, intellectual, artistic and organizational (leadership, communication) skills, moral, ethical, religious and other values.
Key words: language competence, verbal competence, professional communication, communicative competence specialist.