• Українська

Cultural approach to teaching humanities in the higher technical educational institution

 Reshetilov Kirilo

Cultural approach to teaching humanities in the higher technical educational institution

 Modern higher technical education is intended to promote the formation of the intellectual potential of the nation, all-round development of the person as the supreme value of society, however, it should be a powerful factor in the development of spiritual culture of the Ukrainian people. Global changes in the socio-political and economic relations, aborted the labor market require further development of higher education in the new legislative and methodologicaprinciples, to achieve a fundamentally different level of training. Graduate School, on the one hand, it is necessary to take into account the socio-economic order and a specialist in this sense, constantly check their course with the development of society, to assess the effectiveness of its work primarily on competitive graduates. On the other hand, schools now have the opportunity to define their own  objectives, which contributes to the improvement of the education system as a whole.

Read more  http://www.rusnauka.com/13_NBG_2015/Pedagogica/4_191852.doc.htm