• Українська

Tilnyak Neonila

lecturer in Ukrainian language,  literature and Culture

She graduated from the National Pedagogical University M. Dragomanov, 1998.

The department works with 1999, in teaching – since 2003.

Contact:  406 – 82 – 04

E-mail: nilatilnyak@ukr.net

Teaches discipline«Ukrainian language for professional purposes».

Conducts group«Culture of scientific language».

Languages: Ukrainian – native; Russian – fluent; German – with the dictionary.

Research interests – theory and methods of teaching the course  «Ukrainian language for professional purposes».

She participated in the writing of educational and work programs of the course «Ukrainian language for professional purposes»; «Teaching materials for foreign students»; «Dictionary of Cultural listing»; «Methodical instructions to lectures, workshops and self-study for students of 1 year of technical specialties distance learning»; textbook   «Ukrainian language for professional purposes» (Griffin MES of Ukraine).

        He has more than 20 publications, participate in scientific conferences. Each year holds for students: conferences, competitions, «Shevchenko reading».