• Українська


 The article considers Bulgarian identity and sources of its vitality.  It  focuses on the phenomena, which define its consistent and stable quality under circumstances of globalization, manifested by significant shifts of diverse “borders” – social, political, moral, virtual etc. It is an attempt to describe those of concepts that are essential for current identity-forming processes. The linguistic peculiarities per se and as an important factor that indicates, influances, and even preserves national self-consciousness in its integrity are being analyzed in different perspectives.  The identity and language development are studied in both: its metropolitan and so-called island (diaspora) hypo-stasis.  Such approach aloud to discover certain correlations between social forms of language functioning and its explicitly presented grammatical features; it also helps to understand more about the generative and recreational capability of the language, embedded in its deeper layers.  

Key words: identity, sociolinguistics, semantics, borders, diaspora, idiom.