• Українська



Senior teacher of cathedra of Ukrainian language, literature and culture of Faculty of Linguistics of National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic institute"

Finished historical faculty of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv State University

Places of work: senior research scientist at the museum of Great Patriotic War History of 1941 – 1945.

Since 1994 – Cathedra of Ukrainian language, literature and culture of Faculty of Linguistics of National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic institute"

Cathedra telephone number: (044) 406-82-04

E-mail: veselka-n@i.ua
Teacher’s Web-page http://intellect.kumlk.kpi.ua/profile/vng2

Teaches: History of Ukrainian culture, Cultural studies, Ukrainian language of professional direction, Ukrainian and foreign culture

Scientific work: History of culture, History of Ukraine

Educational guidance "History of Ukraine: For undergraduate applicants for higher educational institutions". Recommended by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. – K.: Khimgest, 2001, – 288 p.

"Dictionary-reference book in cultural studies" – K.: MITI NTUU "KPI", 2008. –

156 p.

Article "Military-signalmen in NTUU "KPI"

 Methodological: history of Ukrainian culture, cultural studies

Usually takes part in work of cathedra methodological workshops. In 2014 prepared and held the methodological workshop on topic "New culturological literature and methodology of its usage in lecture courses "Cultural studies"and "History of Ukrainian Culture"

Methodological developments: "Collection of control tasks in cultural studies" – K.: 2008. – 48 p.

"Collection of control tasks in history of Ukrainian culture" – K.:2010. – 52 p.

"Methodological recommendations in individual tasks implementation of the course "History of Ukrainian culture" for students of part-time education" (electronic variant) – 2012. – 23 p.

"Methodological recommendations in individual tasks implementation of the course "History of Ukrainian culture" for students of part-time education" (electronic variant) – 2012. – 38 p.

A reference book " Famous people of Ukrainian culture" (electronic variant) – 2013. – 16 p.

A reference book "Famous people of Ukrainian culture" (electronic variant) – 2014. – 18 p.

"Tasks for students individual work in the course "History of Ukrainian culture and methodological recommendations in its implementation (for technical directions preparation)"(electronic variant) – 2014. – 64 p.

 Qualification upgrade: finished qualification upgrade course at the faculty of philosophy at Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University;

Finished courses of Ukrainian Institute of Information Technology in Education "Computer competence" 2010.

Finished courses of Ukrainian Institute of Information Technology in Education "Development of remote courses with MOODLE platform usage" 2015.


Organizational-pedagogic activity: holding of every year students research and practice conference "Ukrainian culture yesterday, today and always" at the Faculty of electrics and power, Faculty of aerospace systems, Institute of Applied System Analysis.

Students visits of museums, exhibitions, theatres of Kyiv (every term).