• Українська

Sydorenko Lilia


Contacts: Phone 406 – 82 – 04., e-mail zubatoklili@ukr.net

Web-page Lecturer – http://intellect.kumlk.kpi.ua/profile/slm7

Short  summary

Graduated National  pedagogical university n. M.P. Dragomanov, philological department, 1991..

At the department works with 1989.

Teach discipline "Ukrainian language professional direction."

Leads circle "Culture nauchnoy speech."

Knowledge  of languages : Ukrainian – native; Russian – freely; English – co dictionary.

Terms professyonal interests: Increase level studentov literacy, formation of the personality in classes.

Research interests – language, philosophy and culture.

Participated in the development and writing of training and work programs, " didactic material for foreign students ", " Manual for the Ukrainian language", methodical developments.

The work on the dictionary of technical terms for FHM, which has a vulture MES Ukraine.

Scientific work

Areas of scientific activity: language, philosophy, culture

Participation in conferences

2010-2011 Title of activity Ukrainian scientific-practical conference. Title of the report – Ukraine between East and West: in search of trust and dialogue, recognized by the authors – Sidorenko LM.; Аuthors – International University of Finance; Date of the: 26.05.2011.

2012-2013 Title of event Scientific and Practical Conference: "Ukrainian language and culture in the modern humanitarian space". Title of the report – Dialogue of Cultures in social interaction; Authors Sidorenko LM.; Venue – National University.

Tax Service, Irpen; Date: 02/22/2013.

2013-2014 Title of event "Ukrainian language and culture modern humanitarian space "; Title – Man as shaped the dominant aesthetic theory; Authors – Sidorenko LM.; place of – Irpen; Date: 21/02/2014

Has about 20 publications, participates in scientific conference department.  Annually student conferences, competitions, "Shevchenko reading," etc.

Reports presented at conferences, symposia, seminars with the publication of abstracts.

2010-2011 Title of event International Scientific Conference "Language and Culture"; Title of the report – At the crossroads of two cultures; Authors – Sidorenko LM.; Venue – University. Shevchenko; date event: 20.06.2011 – 24.06.2011.

Title II activities Scientific-practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists "Financial and economic and innovative aspects of business management in a globalizing world. economy "; Title – Spirituality of East and West in the process intercultural dialogue; Authors – Sidorenko LM.; Venue – International University of Finance, Mr .. Kiev; Date of event: 27.05.2011


1. "Аbbreviation – a constant process of formation of new words." – Research Note. Issue LV (pedagogical and historical sciences) .- M.: 2004-306 with.

2. «Рarticular qualities of computer translation" .- Humanities in technical higher educational institution.-K.: SE "Inform. analyte. аgen. "2007, edition 14, 242.

3.Ukrainsky language. Speaking. (For foreign students) .- K.: NTUU "KPI", 2007.- 82 p.

4."The term in the lexical composition of the modern Ukrainian language" Society. State. Army. (Collection of Scientific Papers) edition. № 14.- M.: "KPI" 2008.-118 р.

5. "The formation and development of Ukrainian military terminology" Society. State. Army. (Collection of Scientific Papers) Vol. № 15.- M.: "KPI" 2009.- 212р

6. "The Spirit of spirituality, soul, soulful" /Tezisy.- K.: IUF "KPI", 2010. 268 р.

7. Spirituality of East and West in the process of intercultural dialogue / theses. – K.: IUF "KPI", 2011. By.: IUF "KPI", 2011.

8. Machine translation. Collection of Scientific Papers for the 20th anniversary of the department. – K.: "KPI", 2011.- 144 p. elektoron.

9. Ukraine between East and West: in search of trust and dialogue Thesis. By.: IUF "KPI", 2011. 7c.

10 At the crossroads of two cultures. Language and culture. (Scientific Journal). – M.: Dmitry Burago Publishing House, 2011. – Vol. 14. – TI (147). – 440s.- S. 62-

11. Communication military. Society. State. Army. (Collection scientific papers) Vol. № 19.- M.: "KPI" in 2013.

12. "Dialogue of Cultures at social interaction" Ukrainian. Scientific and practical conference "Ukrainian language and culture in modern humanitarian space. "2013 – 280c., C 247-251.

13. "The folklore-mythological motifs as the spiritual foundation works of Lesia Ukrainka "a collection of articles caf. – 2014 p

14. "Man is shaped dominant esthetic theory." Ukrainian Scientific and practical conference "Ukrainian language and culture in modern humanitarian space. "2014 – 248s., 200-203 p.

15. "Figuratively-style dominant romanticism" XXІІI International scientific conference. "Language and Culture" named after prof. Sergey Burago. 2014 –
6 p.

16. "Folklore " foundation works romantics." Collection of scientific reports. Lodz. 2014. 96 p. , P. 5-8.

17. Mystical symbols  in the works of the Romantics. International. Conference "Advances in science in 2014," Part 2. Kiev in 2014, -127p. P, 37-40.

18. "Socio cultural aspects of computer translation." Theses. X International scientific-practical conference "New educational technology in the context of European integration. ""KPI". Kiev 2015.- 174 p., C 141-143.

Increasing scientific qualification level – job seeker

Methodical work

Direction of methodical work, "Ukrainian language.  To professional direction , "Culture of scientific speech "Technical Dictionary/

Participation in scientific workshops department.

Methodological developments:

1.The modern Ukrainian language and business papers. Allowance – publishing. "Facts" .- 2002 161 p.

2.Testy on Ukrainian grammar (for modular control) .- M .: ITC "Publisher" Politehnica "2003. -56 p

3. Ukrainian language. Speaking: educational materials for foreign
students / LM Sidorenko, NV Tilnyak. – K .: "KPI", 2007. – 84 p.

4.Slovar catalog on cultural / NG Veselka, LM Sidorenko, N. B. Tilnyak. – K .: "KPI", 2008. – 156 p.

5. Ukrainian-Russian Dictionary of technical terms. – "KPI". 2010g.- 67p. elec.

6. The Methodological for the Ukrainian language for professional direction "for students of correspondence courses. K .: "KPI", 2012. – 68 p.

7.The Methodological on the Ukrainian language for professional direction "for students of correspondence courses. K .: "KPI", 2013. – 68 p.

8. Processes and devices of chemical technology equipment Ukrainian- Russian-French-English Dictionary. Textbook stamped MES. Ukraine. "KPI" 2014 – 140p.

9. The Methodological for the implementation of independent work on study credit module "Ukrainian language professional direction "for 1k , 4k. 2015 elec.

Advanced training in 2015 in the course "Creating Web Resources".

Distance learning courses in Moodle in the development process. Uploaded 9 lectures.

Organizational and educational activities

Leading circle "Culture of scientific speech"

Conducting Olympiad grammar for students of technical specialties.

Contests: Brain-ring on the works of Taras Shevchenko, an annual competition.

Student conference: "There is no magic stronger than the magic words";


"Natural and artificial languages in society"; "Nonverbal especially intercultural communication "; "The phenomenon of Taras Shevchenko"; "Ukraine and the world in the third millennium: linguistic, political and cultural dimensions."




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