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Prospects of preservation and development of Ukrainian culture in the context of the information society

Події та новини кафедри

The proclamation in 1991. political independence of Ukraine opened new opportunities for the development of Ukrainian culture. Disappeared open or hidden obstacles on the path of development of national culture. The society was freed from ideological stereotypes of the previous epoch, the first opportunity for open access to the achievements in the world of spirituality and cultural values. A positive change was the revival of historical memory, the return of the forgotten or forbidden But cultural heritage. Happened release creative initiative, there was a wide range of styles. Invigorated cultural life in the regions of the country, increased attention to the traditional culture of Ukraine. In Ukraine the legal, managerial-administrative and financial-economic conditions of preservation and development of cultural achievements.

The purpose of the national cultural policy determined by the free development of national culture. In 1992. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the "fundamentals of legislation of Ukraine on culture". The document declared the main principles of cultural policy: a) revival and development of Ukrainian culture, b) development of cultures of national minorities, C) ensuring freedom of artistic creativity; d) the right of citizens to access to cultural values, d) create material and financial conditions for the development of culture./ Cm.

But it should be remembered that the development of Ukrainian culture for a long time (including at the end of XX-beginning of XXI centuries.) occurred in a rather complicated historical conditions, often extreme hunger, the alienation of the farmer from land and language, wars, economic crises, destruction, repression, political and ideological oppression, Soviet, post-Soviet unification of culture. These factors resulted in violent PereVesti the continuity of traditions, violated the natural evolution of the folk traditional culture. Denied, humiliated, ignored ethnic specificity, but administratively implemented unified Sahalinsk forms of festive-ritual culture, and the like. It has resulted in a vacuum in the memory of several generations who lived in conditions of instability of socio-political and economic life. For several generations of people grew up on the postulates of ideology and the deliberate propaganda which are aimed at strengthening the inferiority complex of the population of Ukraine, especially in language and ethnicity, the origins of which – in the national policy, which conducted the Russian Empire, and then the new system in the shell of the USSR.

Despite all, the Ukrainian people has always been characterized by a high level of culture, respect the customs, traditions and historical heritage. After independence in 1991, before Ukraine had the important task of protection and development of national culture, the rational state policy aimed at strengthening the ideological foundations of society, taking into account traditional Ukrainian values. When did the new stage of development of Ukrainian society, and Ukraine became a sovereign democratic state, turned to radical reforms, in particular. approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "Long-term strategy of development of Ukrainian culture" (February 1, 2016 No. 119-R )./ See: .

The main feature of this period can be considered transitional in nature. The society has developed a new sociocultural situation, which was characterised by other socio-economic conditions, patterns of ownership, relations among people, social structure, system of values. A fundamentally new status was received by national culture. Today, such changes occur on the background of the political and economic crisis facing Ukraine since the end of XX – beginning of XXI St.. This crisis has given a new character and extremely aggravated with the beginning of a new Russian-Ukrainian war 2014 – 2017, namely, the annexation of Crimea and occupation of Donbas. /see: Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine (2014-2017) /

This happened because in the early twenty-first century, the independent Ukrainian state was faced with the resuscitation of the neo-Bolshevism of the authoritarian tendencies in contemporary Russia, mainly Putin's regime.According to modern scholars, was not only unfinished revolution of 1917-1921 years, but the revolution of 1991. After all, post-Soviet Russia has not abandoned its Imperial ambitions, and without full control over the Ukraine the restoration of the Empire impossible. As one of the tools that were selected with the idea of a revival under the banner of the "Russian world" historical Novorossiya. The roots of this problem, according to the scientist Vladimir Vasilenko, due to the fact that in the past Ukraine has been the driving force behind the transformation of Muscovy into the Empire and it was powerful spiritual, cultural and resource donor. /Cm.

Culture has always been inseparable from modernization and technological innovations, because in advanced societies the logic of the innovation and modernization processes, formulates and implements creative class, including in the form of an active cooperation medium-sized businesses and representatives of contemporary culture. In other words, it is culture and its creative capacity determines the development and socio-economic model. Hence, the creation of the foundations for the formation of the information space as a factor of sustainable development of modern cultural consciousness.

The process of Informatization, computerization and development of telecommunications at the turn of the late. The XX – early XXI article were given the opportunity to create the necessary prerequisites for the transition to the information society, Ukraine's integration into the global information community. Thus, in the process of development of society information, as its main component, it ceases to be purely economic characteristics and acquires a communication entity. As a result, changes its nature, the system of social relations, modificarea the sphere of economic relations, create preconditions for improving the material and spiritual life of society, which creates conditions for the further development and preservation of Ukrainian national culture.


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