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Problems of terms and jargon in modern Ukrainian language

Події та новини кафедри

Dmitry Urukov
FPM, MP-52

Problems of terms and jargon in modern Ukrainian language

The report considered the use of terms and jargon in modern Ukrainian scientific language. The basic features of scientific terminology and term as the most important element of lexical any text. Emphasized the main features of terminological units, which is a clear classification of lexical items. Emphasized the problems of modern Ukrainian terminology and its classification. The question of the timing for the differentiation method (commonly used, highly technical) and fields of use. Studied the differences between the terms and bureaucratic names. Detailed clear differences between the terms that are part of highly specialized vocabulary and professionalism that have no clear semantic classification. An example of differentiation jargon for the field of use. To conclude, reasonably role and function in modern scientific jargon speech.

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