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Features of functioning of jargon in speech specialists

Події та новини кафедри

Anton Masyr
FPM, MP-51

Features of functioning of jargon in speech specialists

The concept of "jargon" in modern linguistics is treated differently. Thus, the 80-ies of XX century jargon is defined as the language of a particular social group, and in the modern sense - we understand as a social kind of speech that is characterized, in contrast to the popular language, specific vocabulary and phraseology, and especially the use of formative tools.

Slang belongs to a relatively open social and professional groups of people united by common interests

Philologists, linguists proved that the special sectoral terms represent over 60% of professional specialist vocabulary, the rest takes general scientific terminology and commonly tokens. Terminology vocabulary facilitates learning and implementing them in their future professional activity, deepens the knowledge of students about the signs vyuchuvanyh concepts are a means of expansion caused by active professional vocabulary, increases the level of future Ukrainian intellectuals.

A prerequisite for successful learning and subsequent active use of basic scientific and professional terminology, in my opinion, serves as a rational combination of communicative approach and professional context. The feasibility of this method is confirmed by linguistic observations that confirm the need for knowledge about 75-85% of all terms that occur, for free reading and understanding scientific texts.

Thus, these observations do not allow computer slang attributed to any single group of colloquial words and forced to consider it as a phenomenon, which has the features of each. This allows you to define the term "computer lingo" as the words used only by people who are directly related to the computers in everyday life that replace professional vocabulary and different from the spoken.