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Problems of Ukrainian scientific terminology

Події та новини кафедри

Levoshko Catherine
FPM, MP-52

Problems of Ukrainian scientific terminology

The report deals with issues of Ukrainian scientific terminology.

Outlined the problems of Ukrainian scientific terminology through the historic aspect. Characterized the current state of Ukrainian terminology and its further development. Detailed development of the Ukrainian scientific terminology as state-process. Put forward proposals to address possible problems of modern scientific terminology. Presents examples of different works, dictionaries, thinking that went in different cities of Ukraine and are of great importance for the development of modern Ukrainian terminology. The problem of borrowing terms in English and widespread use of Anglicisms and Americanisms.
In the process, conclusions and proposals for resolutions in the development of Ukrainian terminology improve current terminology.

В процесі роботи зроблено висновки та пропозиції щодо резолюцій у розвитку української термінології,  вдосконалення теперішньої термінології.

File презентація.rar562.6 KB