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The scientific language as a communicative phenomenon

Події та новини кафедри

Isaev Nadezhda
FPM, MP-52

The scientific language as a communicative phenomenon

The report deals with the preparation of scientific text, the basic principles of making a text, including the principle of semantic saturation, the importance of professional, scientific, informative, novelty, semantic completeness, problematic, availability skill of one or more sectors. The basic characteristics of the above principles, their nature and use are listed in the report. The report contains a description of the main features of a scientific text, regulatory features of scientific style. The nature of these attributes was detailed by using the syntactic function-specific tools. The report concludes about what is necessary for creating and processing scientific text. Forward suggestions were put about how to use the terms in scientific speech. Analysis of common errors that occur in discourse was confirmed. Recommendations regarding the expansion flair scientific language, taste and speech language means of the scientific text were done in the report.

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