• Українська

Stanisław Orzechowski as a prominent Ukrainian speaker

Stanisław Orzechowski as a prominent Ukrainian speaker

 Report on the theme "Stanisław Orzechowski as a prominent Ukrainian speaker" was written to highlight the personality of Stanisław Orzechowski primarily as a speaker, not as prominent political figure. The main parts of  Ukrainian Demosthenes life has been described. The report has a strong informative base that help me the better focus in this question.

The purpose of my work is to consider Orzechowski as an outstanding speaker, to analyze his talent of eloquence and deep thought, to which he came for his activities.

During the execution of the work was used historical-comparative, historical, typological, logic and statistical methods of historical knowledge, photos leader .

As a result of my work concluded that Stanisław Orzechowski is an outstanding person in the history of Ukrainian eloquence. He made a huge impact in the development of oratory and the ukrainian culture in general. Therefore, our duty – to remember his name!