• Українська

Mystical symbols in the works of the Romantics

Sydorenko L.M. Lecturer, National Technical University of Ukraine
“KPI”, Ukraine
Mystical symbols in the works of the Romantics
The study of semantics artworks romantic discovers in them signs of ritualism with mystic symbols [4, p. 173]. The mystical character – the author’s technique that allows you to delve deeper into the content of the other categories, follow the stages of development of characters in Ukrainian Romanticism.
Thus, the symbol was close to artists because that always hide something mysterious, which required extra effort to uncover its meaning. Compliance with certain rites placed on one of the most significant places in the system of artistic romanticism mystical symbol, a symbol, an archetype. At the same time, poetry acquired a new meaning, greatly expanded the understanding of the romantic movements, artistic problems romantics.