• Українська

The Culture of judicial speech

The course «The Culture of judicial speech” refers to the disciplines of social and humanitarian training (optional) Block 2 “speaking subjects” and is intended for bachelors in specialty 6.030401 – “Jurisprudence”.

The proposed discipline introduces students to the history of world and national rhetoric, history of judicial rhetoric, laws and categories of general and legal rhetoric; will improve communication skills, increase the level of proficiency as an essential tool for professional work, teach actively use the techniques of rhetoric, to adequately assess the linguistic behavior of others, recognize the rhetorical strategies will acquire the ability to speak publicly of the prepared text.

Mastered the program, the student will form such competence:

raise their level of speech culture;

learn to establish contact with the audience, given its characteristics and interests;

will be able to identify and apply various verbal and nonverbal means of influencing the interlocutor;

learn to work with professional texts in terms of their perception, creation and playback.

will perform the best choice communicative language means justified for a particular communication format;

After mastering the discipline, students must demonstrate the following learning outcomes:


stages of judicial rhetoric;

oratorical technique features the greatest orators of world and domestic judicial eloquence;

general laws and categories of legal rhetoric;

basic laws and patterns of communication;

general aspects of psychology and culture of verbal communication;

methods to influence the audience and causes communication failures;

types of forensic speeches;

theoretical principles of judicial training speech;

the ability to:

organize discussion, debate;

and analyze the material chosen for the preparation of speeches;

prepare a detailed plan and thesis presentation;

speak to an audience, demonstrating the culture and communicative skills reasoned persuasion.