• Українська

Principles of professional oral speech (rhetoric)

The course “Principles of professional oral speech (rhetoric)” refers to the disciplines of social and humanitarian training (optional) Block 2 “speaking subjects” and is intended for bachelors all areas of training, technical, humanitarian and socio-economic fields.

Mastered the program, the student will form such competence:

learn to apply the rules of culture of speech;

have the necessary knowledge about the impact of language and linguistic terms manipulating the behavior of an opponent;

will be capable to conduct business and private conversations;

organize interaction with someone, make contact, feedback;

understand importance of various verbal and nonverbal means of influencing the interlocutor during professional communication.

After mastering the discipline, students must demonstrate the following learning outcomes:


the effective professional communication;

basic concepts of general rhetoric;

kinds of arguments and situations of use;

stages and ways to prepare oral speech;

principles of conflict-free communication;

non-verbal communication;

modern methods of activation of listeners;

methods of discussion;

nature of the controversy and polemic techniques.

the ability to:

conduct a detailed monologue speech and create a professional topics;

conduct effective and constructive conversation on any topic of interest range of cultural, educated man;

speech and communication to solve the problem in a given situation of communication;

organize the interaction with the audience, to make contact, feedback, communication;

use non-verbal communication tools to reach our goal;

prepare a public speech training course for protecting (degree) of the project;

own polemical art (dispute, controversy, discussion);

find possible means of persuasion regarding the subject of speech and proper construction of argument;

create effective oral and multimedia presentations.




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