• Українська

Proper names in Ukrainian phraseology

Gerasymchuk V.A. Proper names in Ukrainian phraseology // Divoslovo. – K., 2005. – № 4. – P. 43–47.

Various types of semantic load of own names in Ukrainian phraseology are considered. Proper names of created characters (czar Goroh, czar Openko, czar Penko) Myphonims are given in the phraseology associated with the first notions of chronotope, of the golden days, of the beginning of all things. Historical phraseme in the way of representation of concrete historical figures indicates the specific features of a proper name. Welfare directions in which proper names became methods of typology are separately described. It indicates a qualitative classification of names, some of them are neutral, some positive, and several names negative. They serve as sad sack, humbug, etc. (Hapka, Khimki, Hvedko, etc.).