• Українська

Humanistic spiritual componentin education high school

Spiritual – is one of the most important qualities ofnobility social environment. This quality is now requested in view of the acute challenges of the XXI century., In particular the establishment of peace, a sense of truth and beauty in interpersonal relationships and a clean conscience, which is the largest humanist twentieth century. Mother Teresa of Kolkata (formerly Calcutta from) testified: “The world desperately, desperately looking for tenderness and softness” [5, p. 52], as philosopher-intellectual C. Crimean analyzing the works of French writer and scholar André Malraux and relying on them, declared that “the XXI century will be the century or spirituality, or it does not” [2, p. 348]. Traditional peace, balance, human warmth, care, respect, empathy, understanding, ultimately, unconditional acceptance of all people with disadvantages and disabilities never lose relevance in any form of business communication, despite the invention of modern teaching methods and management.
So the purpose of our message – to reveal the importance of humanistic and spiritual dimension as one of the essential factors to achieve a positive result in the training of high school.
The problems of human spirituality in its various activities, particularly in communication, as well as other vital manifestations, engaged first American scientists created their own association of humanistic psychology, the center of which set guidelines targeted, according to the German scientist and psychologist Philip Lersh, “on psychological understanding of man as a whole and make the best traditions of old Europe “[4, p. 109]. Regarding the problems of humanity, spirituality in personal life, and therefore the interpretation of important and related to the spiritual world concepts such as respect, honor, love, psychological stability, a concern, they discovered in the writings of Carl Rogers, James B’yudzhentala, Viktor Frankl , Philip Lersh, David Elkinza and others. Finally, in the middle of the twentieth century. K e. Jung substantiated the necessity of spiritual and analytic method in psychology as opposed rationalistic method of Freudian psychoanalysis classical [8, p. 65].


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