• Українська

Dmytro Voitekh

 Presentation “Mysteries and secrets of Lysa Hora” was prepared by Dmytro Voitekh, the third course student of Institute for Applied System Analysis, (DA-32 group) as an additional material to the report. Images of thirteen slides characterize the mystery place of Kyiv about which a lot of narrations and legends were composed during several centuries. Territory plans, famous people photos, whose activities and fate is connected with Lysohirskyi fort, were demonstrated. The interesting thigs are a detailed historical chronology of events and photos of a modern view of the territory which was the place of outfits’ allocation. Great attention is paid to the stories about different mysterious events, religious divine worships of pagans. Modern Lysa Hora is a place for gathering of Tolkien followers, representatives of youth subcultures and Kyiv citizens’ walks.