• Українська

Bondarenko Yulia

In 1989 she graduated from Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Faculty of Philology

The department has since 1989.

A member of the Ukrainian Society "Prosvita" them. Taras Shevchenko.

Contact: 406 82 04, e-mail: ukr.mova.kpi@ukr.net

Web-page – http://intellect.kumlk.kpi.ua/profile/byl

Disciplines: Ukrainian language for professional purposes, Culture judicial speech

Research interests – language, literature, communication theory, terminology.


1. Ukrainian language for professional purposes: a manual for students of technical specialties educational qualification of "Bachelor" / "KPI"; Comp. YL Bondarenko. -Kiev: "KPI", 2014. – 152 p. Access: http://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/8146

2. "On the history of publishing some works Anatolia Dimarova" // Dimarov Anatoly and his books / articles, interviews, reviews of the writer. – K .: Your interiors, 2012. – P.188-192.

3.  "Genre originality povistey-" stories "by Dimarova" // Word and time, №5. – K., 2002. – S.3-7.


4.  "Nonfictional stories about life: (image of the town in prose A.Dimarova)" // Ukrainian language and literature in the middle. schools, gymnasiums, lyceums and colleges. – K., 2002. – №2. – P. 199-202.