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Associate Professor of our department Victoria Zavadska conducted a scientific student seminar "Recipe for quality artistic text" in the first semester of 2020-2021. The seminar was held in the form of a free discussion. Each of the participants could express their position, comment on the opinions of others, give examples from their own experience of reading texts. The criteria of popularity of literary texts were determined, the tendencies of modern literature were outlined.
From ancient times, the inhabitants of the Slavic countries had close ties with the peoples of the East. Cultural contacts and interaction of cultures took place in different ways - usually they were the result of direct contact. However, often cultural influences were the result of the mediation of neighboring peoples, there was a long process of layering elements of different cultures.
Ukrainian philosopher-democrat, humanist and writer Grigory Savich Skovoroda (1722-1794) occupy an outstanding place in the socio-political, cultural and educational life of Ukraine in the second half of the XVIII century, the formation of advanced ideas of his time.
At December 6, 2017 at 16.00 in the room. 319 (Bldg. 12) will take place meeting of the scientific group about culture of scientific language. Topic of the meeting is: «The language-linguistic peculiarities of the science language».