Error message

Strict warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in eval() (line 3 of /var/www/clients/client232/web273/web/arch/modules/php/php.module(80) : eval()'d code).


Події та новини кафедри

The article is called "Ivan Sirko. Truth and myths " , dedicated to Ivan Sirko, ataman of the Zaporizhzhya, which earned great fame during his lifetime and was elected eight times ataman of the Zaporizhzhya.

The author aims to tell the life and exploits of the famous Ukrainian ataman, and talk about the legends that there were during his life about his strength and skills. Also, the author talks about harakternytstvo and shows that Ivan Sirko is representative harakternytstvo. This article describes and legends about his miraculous power even after death.

It also tells about his war campaigns. The author describes the famous chieftain character and his habits.

Finally, the author concludes his report and concludes that ataman Ivan Sirko was an extraordinary man – harakternyk.
